
For each of the following​ variables, determine whether the variable is categorical or numerical. If the variable is​ numerical, determine whether the variable is discrete or continuous. A. The length left parenthesis in minutes right parenthesis of the longest telephone call made in a day B. Whether someone in the household owns a smart phone C. The number of cell phones in the household

Accepted Solution

Answer:A. The length (in minutes) of the longest telephone call made in a day - This data is numerical and continuous as the value is calculated by a measuring process.B. Whether someone in the household owns a smart phone -  It is a categorical variable as this question can only be yes or no.C. The number of cell phones in the household - It is a numerical variable which is discrete as counting is used to answer this.We can define the continuous data as a data can take on any value(integer or decimal like your weight) Discrete numbers are whole numbers or integers.